Amanda Lawrence shares ten ways to give glory to God every day.
With summer slipping away and fall fast approaching, many of us find ourselves adjusting to new routines. Re-acclimating can be challenging, whether back to school or the office after a break. To make it easier, I’ve put together ten tips to stay focused on God as you move through the ever-changing days.
Pray—and do so unceasingly.
Prayer is like a loving conversation with your best friend! Prayer strengthens our relationship with God. And the best part is you can do it all day, every day, just by talking to God. That’s it. Just talk to Him like He’s sitting next to you on the couch—because He is.
If you’re just starting a prayer routine, setting reminders on your phone or making appointments in your planner can help get you into the habit of prayer. Remember, if you’re too busy to pray, you’re too busy.
Find a quiet place to be alone with God and gush about how great He is. Praise Him, focus on His awesomeness, and dwell in His presence. Let it all out in surrender. He’s listening. The Adoration Chapel is a lovely spot for this. The feelings of relief that accompany walking through the doors of adoration are undeniable. My shoulders drop, my muscles relax, my breathing normalizes, and a sense of peace washes over me. I never want to leave.
Go to God first.
Whether you want to change classes or careers, have a baby, start a blog, or buy a car, take your decisions to God first. Center Him in your choice and let Him guide you through it.
Visit confession.
Many of us are nervous about going to confession (as if God doesn’t already know we committed those sins). God sees all. There’s no need to be ashamed when you fall into sin. God knows your contrite heart is a work in progress. Repent, ask Him to help you overcome your sins, and accept forgiveness in the confessional.
Be content and faithful through changing seasons.
This can be challenging, but it’s necessary. Our trust pleases God.
Fully trusting in the Lord—especially when we don’t see Him working—is essential to a healthy spiritual lifestyle. Even in the grunt work, God is helping us practice while teaching us patience and perseverance for whatever He has in store for us next.
Always trust God through the good times and bad.
When life seems exhausting or hopeless, let the joy of the Lord be your strength.
When we’re walking with God, He sometimes calls us to fast in certain seasons.
Fasting allows God to guide us better, increase our faith, clarify discernment, humble us, help us overcome addictions, provide deliverance from idols, and strengthen our resistance to temptation, among other things.
Fasting weakens our flesh, breaks our strongholds, and lets us focus on God. If you feel called to fast, do so in obedience. God may want to work on something in your life.
Be generous.
With a joyful heart, offer your time, talents, and treasure to others in need.
Some ways to help include greeting parishioners before Mass, donating ill-fitting clothing to charity, or assisting a local food pantry.
Honor your body.
Your body is a sacred temple of purity where the Holy Spirit dwells. That means what you eat, drink, and wear always matters. Remember to keep your temple pure as you move through your days.
Live righteously.
Nobody but Jesus is perfect. Still, we must strive for perfection every day.
If you’re like me, you’ll miss the mark a lot, but don’t let that stop you from trying your best to be righteous and holy 24/7.
Be obedient to God’s Word.
Never underestimate the power of Scripture. The Bible has something for every situation.
Maybe you’re grappling with your belief that God is in control. Read the Book of Judith or the Book of Esther. Both show how God can accomplish extraordinary things through ordinary individuals.
Are you stumbling through a dark and challenging season? Read first and second Peter.
The Gospel of John and the Book of Job can help if you doubt your faith.
If you want to apply your faith to everyday life, you’ll love Proverbs!
And the Psalms are uplifting, reassuring, and helpful in connecting with God personally and emotionally, like David.
The Bible always has your back, no matter what season you walk through.
Have a blessed fall, everyone! I’m praying for you!
Copyright 2023 Amanda Lawrence
Images: Canva
About the Author

Amanda Lawrence
Amanda Lawrence is a writer, mother, orator, and librarian. In her spare time, she’s an intelligent idiot who can’t stop screwing up. Praise Jesus for those tender moments when He’s like, “Oh, no, honey. Bless your heart. Aren’t you cute?” Before God swoops in. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world!