Catholic performing and recording artist Susan Bailey is announcing the release of a brand new rosary project which will incorporate music, scripture and beautiful artwork to aid in the meditation experience. The project, known as the Mary, Queen of Peace Meditation Guide & Sung Rosary, will be released officially on November 22, 2008 with a pre-Advent retreat and concert at Mary, Mother of Peace Church in Millsboro, DE, presided over by Deacon David McDowell of the Wilmington, DE diocese.
"This rosary is like no other," Bailey says. "It is a totally sung rosary, with all the prayers crafted into simple and beautiful songs that the participant can easily learn and sing."
The Mary, Queen of Peace Meditation Guide & Sung Rosary includes a 48-page full color book with scripture verses and/or spiritual text for each Hail Mary, plus a full-length CD with all five decades set to music. Sheet music is also provided for each sung prayer. Bailey has illustrated the book with deeply meaningful religious paintings, stained glass windows and icons.
"As the participant sings the rosary prayers, he/she can read the scripture verses and meditate upon the artwork," explains Bailey. "Praying the rosary in this way allows sufficient time for meditation, opening up the possibilities for mystical experiences that will deepen that person’s relationship to our Lord Jesus, and His mother, Mary."
The beauty of the Mary, Queen of Peace Meditation Guide & Sung Rosary is its flexibility.
Deacon McDowell, who wrote the forward to the book, writes, "The beauty of having it on CD means one can pray while driving, working out, sitting on the side of a hill, on a plane . . . anywhere you can listen to music you can now sing and pray the rosary."
The book can also be used by itself if one wishes to speak the prayers rather than sing them.
The Mary, Queen of Peace Meditation Guide & Sung Rosary has already received rave reviews from persons who have seen the pre-release version. Sharmane Adams of Pensacola, FL writes, "I prayed the rosary with your CD and it was absolutely lovely. I loved singing along with it. It was a great way to start off my day with your lovely voice." Susan Stein of HeartBeat Records remarked on how "beautiful" the book was, and found the sung prayers to be "very spiritual."
The Mary, Queen of Peace Meditation Guide & Sung Rosary is available on the web at where you can hear the prayers and watch videos showing the book. HeartBeat Records is also distributing the product; you can call them at 800-433-3262
Author, composer and performer Susan Bailey is a lifelong resident of Massachusetts, along with her husband Rich and her two grown children, Stephen and Meredith. Rich is soon to be ordained as a deacon and he and Susan work in youth ministry and marriage preparation. Susan is also a member of the Commission for Women of the Diocese of Worcester, MA, acting as Secretary. She has been performing locally and regionally for fifteen years while ministering in song each Sunday at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Westborough. She has appeared on EWTN’s "Backstage" and "His Love" with Marty Rotella on Catholic Familyland TV, and she performed on the 2005 and 2008 CatholicTV telethons. She was also a featured performer at World Youth Day 2002 in Toronto. She has three other albums available: Teach Me to Love, Wait with Me: Advent of the Promised Son, and Mater Dei.
For more detailed information on Susan Bailey, please visit her website at For further information on her rosary project, visit
Susan Bailey
(508) 839-3055
Voice Mail: (206) 600-6940
About the Author

Lisa M. Hendey
Lisa M. Hendey is the founder of, a bestselling author and an international speaker. A frequent radio and television guest, Hendey travels internationally giving workshops on faith, family, and communications. Visit Lisa at, on her Substack at, or on social media @LisaHendey for information on her speaking schedule or to invite her to visit your group, parish, school or organization. Find Lisa’s books on her Amazon author page.