Do you have special young adults in your life? I'm happy to share the following press release with information about Catholic Thrive, a great event being held in Anaheim next month. I think it sounds like so much fun!
Laguna Niguel, CA, April 15, 2009 – Without relationships, surviving amidst the ups and downs of life can be incredibly lonely. Whether you seek professional networking or romantic connections, if you’re a single adult today, you’re no doubt seeking to understand your purpose and place in this world. And let’s face it, there aren’t many opportunities to meet other single adults in environments which honor morality, dignity and faithfulness. The first of several conferences geared towards single Catholics is hoping to change that.
The first annual Catholic Thrive conference will be held May 22-24, 2009 in Anaheim, CA. Perfectly timed to take place over Memorial Day weekend and conveniently located across from Disneyland, the setting of Thrive will be a meeting place for single men and women who are interested in expanding their professional and social networks while enriching their Catholic faith. And if new friendships lead to life-long relationships, then Thrive founders believe these new conferences could fill a real gap in the Church.
"Never before has there been a conference of this kind for singles and young adults," says Dave Sloan, co-founder and emcee of Catholic Thrive. "Young adults are essential members of the Church, but do not often know their place within the Church. The mission of Thrive is to help Catholic singles and young adults celebrate the very best that life has to offer by connecting them to one another, to God, and to the Catholic Church."
Talks over the weekend will include those on faith in the workplace, service, growing closer to Christ, faith in Hollywood, and dating. Presenters include actress Jessica Rey, psychologist Phil Mango, sales guru John Labriola, Fathers Agustino Torres, C.F.R. and Tim Hepburn as well as speakers who are specialists in professional networking, relationship advice and theology.
A praise and worship band, gala dance and fundraiser, and service project will enhance the weekend for those seeking additional networking and fellowship opportunities in the heart of Disneyland.
Dr. Gary Chapman, one of the leading relationship experts and author of the newly released book titled, The Five Love Languages Singles Edition said this about the single life, "Every human has the emotional need to feel loved. When this need is met, we move out to reach our potential for God and our potential for good in the world. However, when we feel unloved, we struggle just to survive."
The Founders of Catholic Thrive hope to encourage young adults to acknowledge this "emotional need" and meet it through successful professional and social relationships. Their vision is for the Thrive conferences to take place on a regular basis, in areas of the country with high percentages of active Catholics, as well as tourist attractions nearby to enhance the social quality of the weekends. There will be two conferences in 2009, in Anaheim over Memorial Day weekend, and in Manhattan over Labor Day weekend.
Catholic Thrive is a service of, the original online dating website created exclusively for Catholic single adults. offers numerous safe, secure and comfortable methods for its members to meet and get to know each other over the Internet. has signed up over half a million members since its inception in 1997 and is humbled by the many long-term relationships, engagements and marriages for which it is responsible.
About the Author

Lisa M. Hendey
Lisa M. Hendey is the founder of, a bestselling author and an international speaker. A frequent radio and television guest, Hendey travels internationally giving workshops on faith, family, and communications. Visit Lisa at, on her Substack at, or on social media @LisaHendey for information on her speaking schedule or to invite her to visit your group, parish, school or organization. Find Lisa’s books on her Amazon author page.