Reflection on the Daily Readings for 5/18/09 by Fr. Bertrand Buby, SM

Today’s Readings

Scripture: Mon. of Sixth week of Easter. Acts 16:11-15. Psalm
148:1-2.3-4.5-6.9. John 15:26-16:4.Lectionary # 291:

Jesus is revealing the inner life that he shares with the Father and the
Holy Spirit. He is preparing us for the coming of the Holy Spirit as we
approach the novena of the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures will be our guide
to grow in this profound mystery of God, one in three Persons. Jesus words
are clear:"When the Paraclete comes, the Spirit of truth who comes from the
Father and whom I myself will send from the Father, he will bear witness on
my behalf." This Paraclete is the Holy Spirit who will witness to us the
true reality of Jesus' death. This will be seen in the Acts of the
Apostles where such a proclamation will ring out. This revelation is one:it
comes from the Father through the Son and is completed in the Spirit to the
glory of the Son and the Father. (Bible of Jerusalem).

This passage and others in John will be explained and developed by the
apostles and their successors into the creeds of the early church and the
church councils. Thus the Holy Spirit will be at the center of this
revelation and help all Christian believers to remember what Jesus taught
and did and to proclaim him and witness to him.We also learn that the
Spirit is sent by both the Father and the Son; the Person of the Spirit is
God's love between the Father and the Son. For us this is good news for we
too are bathed in the light and guidance of the Spirit; we are lead to
believe the Scriptures and their development in the teaching of the Church
and in the traditions based on the Scriptures.

The sending of the Holy Spirit in John's Gospel takes place at the scene of
the foot of the Cross as Jesus is dying. He breathes forth that Spirit
while giving new life to the Church being born and represented by Jesus'
Mother Mary and the Beloved Disciple. In John's mystical gospel, Good
Friday, Easter, and Pentecost are one complete mystery given to us. As
Jesus is lifted up and returns to the bosom of the Father (Prologue of John
1:16-18), the Spirit falls upon Mary and the beloved disciple.

During this season we turn to the Holy Spirit and celebrate the gift of
divine love seen in the Holy Spirit as one of the three divine persons. We
have learned that God is love from John and now we have the revelation that
the Spirit is the love between the Father and the Son that we too are
called to participate in so that our joy may be complete. This same Spirit
will remain with us always and enable us to continue the mission of Jesus
in the world. We will be guided, consoled, and rendered courageous in our
testimony to the Paschal Mysteries of Jesus. We pray, "Come, Holy Spirit,
fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in us the fire of your divine
love." Amen.