Reflection on the Daily Readings for 5/21/09 by Fr. Bertrand Buby, SM

Today’s Readings

Scripture: Thurs of 6th week of Easter. Acts 18:1-8. Psalm 98:1.2-3.3-4.
John 16:16-20. Lectionary # 294:

Jesus is alive in people who believe in him.  And in the Acts we learn how
people are just as real as you and me. Today Paul makes some new friends
and Luke tells us their names, Aquilla and Priscilla, Titus Justus, and
Crispus. Aquilla and Pricilla or Prisca are Jews who have the same trade as
tentmakers that Paul has.  We learn that this episode of their meeting Paul
at Corinth probably takes place at the end of the emperor's reign who
exiled Jews from Rome (Claudius ruled as caesar from 41-54) so we know they
probably meet Paul in the fifties. Paul takes up lodging with them and
works with them. They are converts to Christianity. This leads Paul to meet
Titus Justus, a Gentile convert to Christianity. Then another Jew and his
family is recruited to faith in Jesus by Paul. Crispus is a leading figure
in the synagogue.  The churces or house communities of belief in Jesus as
Lord and Messiah are now found in Greece. Christianity is spreading because
of Paul's preaching and that of his companions.

The Psalm response for today celebrates this growth and spirit: "The Lord
has revealed to the nations his saving power. Sing joyfully to the Lord,
all you lands; break into song; sing praise."

In the Gospel another dimension of the mystery of Jesus is revealed in the
continuing farewell address he gives to his intimate friends, the
disciples. We know that these discourses and the whole of the Gospel is
seen in the light of Jesus' resurrection.  Jesus does come to the disciples
after his resurrection just as he promised in that tantalizing phrase,"In a
little while you will not see me, then, again in little while you will see
me."  We are always led to read Jesus's words in the resurrection faith we
have received at baptism.  Fr. George Mac Rae gives us the following
insight, "From then on (the disciples) guided to the truth by the Paraclete
(the Holy Spirit) and enjoying the gift of eternal life, their relationship
to Jesus and the Father is as described in the farewell discourses."  As
for us, we keep in mind the consoling message that Jesus conveys to us
through Thomas, "Blessed are they who have not seen but believe."  Amen.