Reflection on the Daily Readings for 6/19/09 by Fr. Bertrand Buby, SM

Today’s Readings

Scripture: Fri. of 3 week. II Cor. 11:18.21-30. Psalm 34:2-3.4-5.6-7.
Matthew 6:19-23. Lectionary # 369:

Paul may seem a little defensive today in what he relates to the
Corinthians, but he is merely trying to show that he is an authentic
apostle who is bringing Christ to others.  He is an ambassador of
reconciliation for Jesus through his trials, sufferings, imprisonments,
beatings,and ridicule from others.  He is totally immersed in Christ day by
day and his sole boast is in the Lord.  This "boasting in the Lord" is
carefully studied by Fr. David Stanley, S.J. who uses that as the title of
his book on the prayer of St. Paul. Thus as we are listening or reading to
St. Paul today we should see that selected excerpt as his prayer.  For Paul
living in Christ is his total life now that he has been touched by the Lord
Jesus through a special wake up call that becomes his calling.

At the end of today's passage from II Corinthians we see what this living
in Christ means to him.  He writes, "Leaving other sufferings unmentioned,
there is that daily pressing on me, my anxiety for all the churches. Who is
weak that I am not affected by it?  Who is scandalized that I am not
afflame with indignation?"

In turning to the Gospel we find that Jesus' words help us to see why Paul
lived out his missionary life in union with Christ. He is concerned
primarily for the budding communities or house churches and for the poor.
Paul has stored up heavenly treasure. He realizes that the message of
Christ lives within him and propels him to lead others to Christ. Perhaps,
he was aware of the saying of Jesus, "Where your treasure is, there also is
your heart."  His heart certainly beats in unison with the heart of Jesus.
He tells us to do the same, "Be imitators of me as I am of Christ. For to
me living is Christ." His light shines brightly today through his inspired
writings. He is the light for the Gentiles and that has led us out of our
darkness.  Amen.