Reflection on the Daily Readings for 6/21/09 by Fr. Bertrand Buby, SM

Today’s Readings

Scripture: Sunday of 12th week (4th). Job 38:1.8-11. II Cor.5:14-17. Psalm
107:23-24.25-26.28-29.30-31. Mark 4:35-41. Lectionary # 96:

Storms are both frightening and fascinating. We see the power of nature
which surpasses our effort to understand and even more our efforts to
control them. From a biblical perspective they are God's gifts to us in
creation which show us how much greater and incomprehensible is the glory
and power of God. The Hebrew word for glory is Kabod and it has the
meaning of something tremendous in weight. Therefore, in the Psalms it
represents the weight of God's presence and actions. Storms usually are
seen as manifestations of this glory of God. All of the readings have this
theme except that of the reading from Pauls II Corinthians.

Job experiences the presence of God in an awesome display of power in a
storm cloud. God speaks to Job and shows him the unfathomable wisdom that
is God's and the marvelous display of power in nature. Glory is thus linked
to both God's power, holiness, and wisdom. Job recognizes this, accepts
it, and bows down humbly to reverence his creator. Then all is restored to
him that was his at the beginning of his story. Job is more of a parable
than that of a historical person. Thus it has a lesson for everyone within
it once it is meditated upon and interiorized.

Jesus is asleep during one of the storms on the Lake of Galilee. The
disciples are terrified and cry out to him to save them. Doesn't he care
for them? He reflecting the glory and power of God awakens and stills the
waters with his calming words; then he chides his disciples for their lack
of faith. Jesus is nearest to them when they are in the midst of a
terrible storm. He awakens and then stirs them up by awakening their low
burning embers of limited faith and trust. We too may be asleep in our
spiritual life and need to be awakened by a storm or two from Jesus and the
Holy Spirit.

Does Paul have something to tell us today that fits the theme of God's
power in storms? He speaks of our becoming a "new creation" in Christ and
that means being awakened to his presence and power and seeing how we are
called to see all God's acts in nature as part of our spiritual insight and
growth. We can be assured through all of the readings for this Sunday that
God is concerned about our storms in life and has a providential hand in
bringing us to calmer shores. We need to trust and love our God who is to
be glorified by us as well as by nature. Amen.