kimball_katieThe reading for Mass this morning was Mark 9:30-37.  Jesus told His disciples, "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me." (verse 37)  The Holy Spirit immediately directed my thoughts to the subject of abortion.  (That’s another way of saying, "I have no idea why, but I suddenly connected that line to the issue of abortion.")

I thought about my personal email inbox, full of requests for me to sign this or that petition or email my legislators to take action on life issues, emails I don’t have time to open.

I thought about how little I know of the political climate and the dangers to my family or my faith from current legislation at this time.  Why is that?

Because I’m writing letters about soap.  I’m researching antiperspirants.  I’m teaching folks how to feed their kids healthy foods.  But other kids are being killed, every day, around our great nation, by their own mothers and the doctors who help them.

I’m convicted.  I need to make sure I’m spending time saving lives and not just feeding the living.

I always say at election time that I can’t get into issues that make our lives better while one third of my generation and my children’s generation haven’t even been allowed to survive to take advantage of a great education or a cleaner earth.  What good is top-notch healthcare when the smallest and weakest don’t live to see the inside of a hospital?

It’s time to take advantage of the power of the Internet and pass on some of those life-preserving emails.  If you can send letters about soap, please join me in contacting your legislators and our president to demand a respect for life at all stages.

Today I’m going to direct you to two initiatives by Americans United for Life (AUL).

1. First, please sign a simple petition at Real Health Care Respects Life asking President Obama to leave abortion out of the health care plan.  It begins, "Abortion is not health care and does not belong in health care reform."  Even if you are not a person of faith, even if you are pro-choice to the hilt, you can logically see that abortion is an issue for an arena outside of health care.  Please visit and sign.  It’s quite painless and takes about 30 seconds.  You can take 60 seconds more and contact your legislators when you’re finished.
2. AUL also is behind the "Fight FOCA" campaign and has a petition against the Freedom of Choice Act.  I really don’t know if this is a pertinent issue any more, but if you aren’t one of the 700,000+ folks who have signed the petition, go ahead and add your name.  It doesn’t hurt.  The website explains: "The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) would eliminate every restriction on abortion nationwide."  That includes parental notification for minors, again something that even pro-choice folks must admit is only fair.

Thanks for letting me have the soapbox for a minute.  I’ll step down now and go back to my research on fats.

Copyright 2009 Katie Kimball