eric_collegeA special thanks to my friend Maureen Wittmann for sharing the following good news about a special ongoing series of events over at Homeschool Connections!  Coming on the heels of our family visit to Pomona College this weekend (click here to see my photos!), this information is very timely.  If you have a student who is not yet in senior year of high school, it's definitely not too early to get busy informing yourself!  Here's the information from Maureen:

October is Catholic College Month at Homeschool Connections and it begins today! Though the response has been so positive that Catholic College Month covers October and November. Homeschool Connections is offering a series of free webinars (online seminars) for parents and students Catholic higher education. The first event is on college financing and so is a good one to attend even if your children are young. Note that these webinars are for everyone, not just homeschoolers.

This is also a tremendous opportunity to meet first hand (electronically, at least) with key admissions officials at some of the great Catholic universities and colleges in the US, and it's FREE!

Click on the links below to register or learn more:

Please note that space is limited so register soon. These events are recorded and will be available to anyone who is unable to attend. You will be able to find links to those recordings within 48 hours of the live event at Homeschool Connections: Catholic College Month.

Please feel free to share this information with others who may be interested. The more we can share about faithful Catholic education the better!