Reflection on the Daily Readings for 10/06/09 by Fr. Bertrand Buby, SM

Today’s Readings

Scripture: Lectionary # 462. Tue. of 27th week. Jonah 3:1-10. Psalm
130:1-2.3-4.7-8. Luke 10:38-42:

In God's calling Jonah a second time, the prophet realizes he has to
proclaim repentance or destruction upon the Ninevites. Much to his dismay,
the Ninevites down to their last citizen and even to their imposing the
fast on their livestock do repent. For Jonah this is too good to be true
and he would have nothing to do with it. Yet, God is patient even with one
of his chosen prophets thereby giving all of us hope whether we are
prophetic, self-righteous or possibly like the Ninevites repentant. Some
people find it hard to live with success; most of us strunggle with lack of
it and move on making some progress in our spiritual mindset about the ups
and downs of life. We have a masterful author in the inspired person who
gave us this parable-like story. There is much to learn from its simple
lessons. God certainly has a sense of humor, doesn't God?

Our Psalm for the day is one of the greatest among the penitential psalms
of which there are seven. Psalm 130 could easily express the spirit of
repentance that was described in the Ninevites. It is a good Psalm for the
sacrament of reconciliation (Confession).

Martha and Mary are featured in the little passage for today's reading from
Luke. It is completed by our reading John 11:1-41 where we notice the
sisters and friends of Jesus have their different and contrasting
personalities. Both are disciples of Jesus because of their love and
devotion to him. He escaped from the tiresome ministry he performed and
relaxed in their company. Martha's concern for the meal and the
hospitality is a foundation for biblical virtue; without it there is no way
of Jesus having a good time with these two persons, Martha and Mary. Mary
may have chosen the better part if we are thinking only in a spiritual
sense, but without Martha doing what she does, the whole scene and event
would have collapsed! Later we will see that Martha is the one who
expresses the greatest knowledge through faith of who Jesus is, while Mary
is at home sobbing the death of her brother Lazarus. She is lost in her
thoughts. The lesson for us we need both contemplation and action in our
lives to be disciples of Jesus. Amen.