lacyA huge thanks to my friend Tony Rossi of Christopher Closeup for bringing to my attention the story of Lacy Dodd, a board member of Room at the Inn, a Charlotte based pregnancy resource center and maternity after-care facility.  During this month of October when we pray for the dignity of all human life, Lacy is a true champion for the unborn.

I hope you will take a few minutes to listen to Tony's recent Christopher Closeup interview with Lacy, where we learn a little bit more about how she went from single mom to pro life advocate.  During the show, Lacy shares her experience of an unplanned pregnancy during her senior year at the University of Notre Dame.  Despite lack of support from her boyfriend, Lacy chose life for her beautiful daughter.  With the aid of her family, including her twin sister Amanda, Lacy was able to serve for five years in the US Army while raising her daughter.

Following her discharge from the military, Lacy relocated to Charlotte, where she became involved with Room at the Inn.  This fantastic organization is a model for pregnancy care centers across the country and has recently partnered with Belmont Abbey College in creating a special program targeted specifically at college students.  This new program offers the following support:

  • Free, one-on-one counseling with a licensed, professional counselor to help with issues that may be causing stress and create plans for a successful future
  • Material assistance such as clothing, diapers, food, baby and nursery supplies
  • Personalized guidance to gain assistance through additional community resources
  • Referrals to adoption agencies (if desired)
  • Emotional and peer support

Their planned facility - which will be open to students at other colleges or vocational schools in the region - will have two residential wings housing up to 15 mothers, 15 infants and eight toddlers, as well as a chapel, laundry, playroom, kitchen and family-style dining room.

I am so proud of young moms like Lacy who take time to help others who may be facing a fearful situation with support, care and compassion.  If you would like to join me in supporting Room at the Inn, visit their website now to learn how you can help.