One of my favorite Psalms is Psalm 127, particularly the beginning that goes like this:
"Unless the Lord build the house,
they labor in vain who build.
Unless the Lord guard the city,
in vain does the guard keep watch.
It is vain for you to rise early
and put off your rest at night,
To eat bread earned by hard toil—
all this God gives to his beloved in sleep."
When we reflect on these verses, which are so fitting in every aspect of our lives, they convict us in many ways.
When was the last time you just charged ahead with an idea or plan without considering whether it was God’s plan? When we do not pay attention or take things to prayer first, we labor in vain, for what good is it if it is not God’s plan? How often do we toil and work hard and spin our wheels and wonder why it is not working out as we thought it should? Take care not to labor in vain. Remember that the Lord builds the house.
And when was the last time you had a full night’s sleep, restful and refreshing? Could it be that you have been putting off your rest at night because you have forgotten that "God gives to his beloved in sleep?"
God is the greatest giver of all and how easy is our rest when we build with him. Oh, I’m not saying that things will always come easily to those who do the Lord’s work, but we must remember that when we work alongside the Lord, our work is more fruitful and is not burdensome. We must trust in the Lord! Turn to God in all you do—at home, work, or play—when fretting about decisions or worrying about children—and he will show you the way!
Copyright 2010 Janet Cassidy
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