Maureen Locher photoWho among us has not felt the sting of rejection? That deep down gut-wrenching feeling when we put it all on the line, we pour out our heart, and BOOM – we’re rejected. No wonder our children don’t like to hear "no" from our mom lips. Does anyone ever like to hear "no"? Does hearing the word ever get any easier?

We seem to live in the Do-as-you-please era. The mindset that screams: It’s OK, go ahead. Don’t worry. Be happy. Me, me, me. I’m the most important person on the face of the earth. In fact, God must have created the world solely for me and my pleasure. The heck with the poor, the widow, the orphan. God doesn’t really want me to alter my life in any way to help them in their plights. Besides, they have as good a chance as any to help themselves.

Really??? Can we moms who have been given so much by God reject others’ pleas? Can we turn a blind eye or deaf ear to those in need? I was born a little white baby girl plunked down in the arms of a loving middle-class family. If I were never given another thing by God those first life-altering gifts are more than some people receive their entire lives. But God didn’t stop there – not by a long shot. Blessing after blessing has been bestowed on me and mine.

Yet do I still want more? Yes, yes I do. However, quite recently I finally understand the wisdom of rejection as it applies to me. Jesus, Himself, had to be rejected by His people. That was the plan – the Divine Necessity. Jesus wasn’t to be crowned king of an earthly kingdom; His Kingdom surpassed all worldly comprehension. I’m not supposed to get everything I want. Maybe there’s a reason I am constantly butting heads with my five men. Maybe if I weren’t longing for more many years ago I never would have begun attending daily Mass and weekly Bible study. I am 100% sure that if I’d been a happily contented wife and mother I never would have honed my writing skills.

Years ago my world was very small. Discontented, I rebelled. God pushed me out. He knew it was time for me to leave the nest, so He showed me His world where people come together to pray and learn more about Him. We sit at His feet. We choose the better part. And then we go about our daily round trying our best to give God to others. Rejection isn’t the end of a plan – it’s the beginning of another, tailor-made plan. And guess who the Tailor is?

Whether rejection is from a would-be suitor, or a publishing house (How would I know about that?), or a "not the best applicant for the job" notification, we must put some perspective on the rejection which not only numbs the initial sting, but it frees us for what God intends for our lives. Recently, I’ve begun reading the book, "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World," by Joanna Weaver, and I was struck by this explanation to a disappointed Martha when Jesus "sided" with Mary’s decision to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to the Teacher, rather than help Martha in the kitchen: "But he loved her too much to give her what she wanted. Instead, Jesus gave her what she needed."

God loves me too much. I can get used to that idea.

So, the next time we feel like a toy on the Island of Misfit Toys, let’s remember we’re there because God loves us too much to put us somewhere we don’t belong.

Copyright 2010 Maureen Locher