Reflection on Today’s Daily Readings by Fr. Bertrand Buby, SM

Today’s Readings

Scripture: Aug.14. Lectionary 418. Ezekiel 18:1-10,13.30-32. Psalm
51:12-13.14-15. 18-19. Matthew 19:13-15:

Jesus lays his hands on the heads of the children after he prays and then
blesses them. His humanness and kindness pours out upon them and on us as
we read this simple pericope.  He always has demonstrated his love for the
"little ones" that especially includes children among those who are poor,
ill, or marginal.  It is one of the most touching scenes in the New
Testament and certainly in St. Matthew's narrative.  As parents and
teachers or leaders we learn much from Jesus in this event.  We need to be
in tune with Jesus on our own love and care and concern for children.  The
lesson started yesterday and continues in this gem of scripture.

Our tenderness and humanness has to shine through for the children.They are
gifts from God to us and the future of the church and society.  Like Jesus
we should allow the children to come to us as they came to him. He invites
them then blesses them after having prayed!  Do we do this? His gestures
are loving, appropriate, and gentle.  Despite those who would chase them
away and scold them and even chide Jesus, he says, "Let them, the children
come to me. Do not hinder them. The kingdom of God belongs to such as

Certain saints like St. Theresa of Lisieux, St. John Bosco, and St. Philip
Neri lived out lives fit for the kingdom of heaven. They learned from Jesus
that having the simplicity and honesty of a child before God as Father
brought them great joy and confidence in God and in themselves.  Theresa
influenced soldiers through her memoirs and just through the thought of her
simple little way of spirituality.  She also prayed for missionaries with
the simplicity of a child before God.  She continues to be invoked and
venerated today because of her little way.  We are fortunate that her
superior, her sister, told her to write her memoirs. She did and they have
helped thousands of souls.  As the Scripture says, "God belongs to such as
these; so too the kingdom is theirs. They belong to God and to us as saints
who are worthy of imitation and reverence. Amen.