Reflection on Today’s Daily Readings by Fr. Bertrand Buby, SM

Today’s Readings

Scripture: Lectionary # 445 Sept. 16th, Thursday.  I Cor 12:31-13:13. Psalm
33:2-3, 4-5, 12.22. Luke 7:31-35:

Paul sings a new song to the Lord that is parallel to the Psalm response
and its verses for today's liturgical celebration.  We all are invited to
sing a new song to the Lord as we begin a new day.  Paul sings about love
in his most famous hymn to charity (love), faith, and hope.  As his hymn
continues it reaches a crescendo and a climax in the statement..."and the
greatest of these gifts is love."

Psalm 33 voices the attributes of God: righteousness, loving-kindness,
justice and peace. God's Providence and concern for all of us and for all
of creation is extolled through the singing and playing of instruments in
the temple service that takes us into the time of the kings of Judah.
Choir, drums, stringed instruments, tambourines, a harp, a lyre are joined
in this new hymn praising God.  There is in the Psalm a word in Hebrew
coming from a rare verb (hishgiah) that becomes the rabbinical term for
God's Divine Providence. God is carefully watching over all in the temple
and in all of creation. His providence governs all the inhabitants of the
earth, not only Israel. (Soncino Psalms, p.97).

The exhuberance emanating for the initial readings is hushed by the lack of
joining in singing and dancing in the comparison and example Jesus speaks
of to those who are not following his advice.  They are like children
playing in the marketplace who refuse to join others in their invitations
to sing and dance.  "We have piped a tune but you did not dance, we sang
and we even sang a dirge and you did not mourn."  Let us not be like those
children who were selfish and took their football home!  We are called to
thank God with song, dance, and a joyful shout of praise.  We are called to
sing a new song today and it is to be directed to the Lord. Amen.