Reflection on Today’s Daily Readings by Fr. Bertrand Buby, SM

Today’s Readings

Scripture: Lectionary 505. Revelation 15:1-4. Psalm 98:1.2-3.7-8.9. Luke

Readings of an apocalyptic genre are frightening and we are hearing several
of them as we approach the end of this liturgical year. The tendency to
think about the future will continue in Advent, but the fear will be
changed more to expectation and hope. By trusting in Jesus we overcome our
fear and look beyond the apocalyptic into the sacrament of the present
moment where Jesus is within us and we are temples of the Holy Spirit.

We learn a number of important virtues or attitudes to have as disciples of
Jesus in the Gospel for the day. We are to have enduring patience, we must
witness to our belief in Jesus, and we are to cherish the words of wisdom
that will be given to us as we reflect on Jesus' presence in word,
sacrament, and indwelling within our hearts. We believe that Jesus is king
of all hearts. We may experience conflict even within our family, or among
our friends. Still in the patience we have we will possess our souls. We
are to be agents of reconciliation despite these conflicts. We are hearers
and doers of the word of God through the wisdom given to us by the Holy

Apocalyptic and futuristic thinking in these passages of Scripture center
also on the cosmic conflict between good and evil that keeps going on
around us. As disciples of the Lord we live within the present and make of
it a sacrament of Christ living within us; then hope ensues and fears
disappear. All will pass away and only God remains and God is to be
worshipped alone. Let nothing disturb you we hear from a Saint Theresa of

Even with the many symbols, images, and scenes of the Book of Revelation,
we sing the verse taken from that same book: "Great and wonderful are your
works, Lord Mighty God." (Rev.15:3). We place all our trust in the Word of
God, Jesus who is our Savior and our Wisdom. He is the one who controls
all elements in time whether past, present, or future. The Apocalypse
gives him the unique title of the Alpha and the Omega: "I am the Alpha and
the Omega...the one who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty
(the Pantokrator)."

Dr. Vincent Branick gives us the excellent perspective we are to have while
reading these passages and while celebrating the Eucharist together as the
Body of Christ: "Jewish apocalyptic is absorbed by early Christianity with
a major shift. Jesus becomes the figure through whom God rescues people
from the realm of evil and transfers them to that of goodness. The return
of Jesus becomes the main event of the end times." Amen.

(Taken from : Understanding Paul and his Letters, by Dr. Branick, page