Reflection on Today’s Daily Readings by Fr. Bertrand Buby, SM

Today’s Readings

Scripture: Lectionary 507. Rev. 20:1-4, 11-21:2. Psalm 84:3.4.5-6.8. Luke

Both the Creed, our liturgy on All Saints Day and All Souls, and the
Catechism of the Catholic Church help us to probe more deeply and calmly
into the Book of Revelation as it comes to an end in our continuous
readings. Nicetas, an early theologian of the Church, in his commentary on
the Creed states, "What is the Church if not the assembly of all the
saints?" The most important member of the Church is Jesus Christ, the Head
of the Body of his members called the Church. The riches of Christ are
communicated to all the members, through the sacraments. (St. Thomas

The liturgy of the Eastern Catholic Churches tells us "Sancta
sanctis" (God' holy gifts for God's holy people." This is proclaimed by the
celebrant during the elevation of the holy Gifts before the distribution of
communion. The faithful (sancti) are fed by Christ's holy body and blood
(sancta) to grow in the communion of the Holy Spirit (koinonia) and to
communicate and witness to the world.

Revelation is unfolding step by step the revelation of God to us as members
of the Church. The power of our union with the victorious Lamb of God,
Jesus, overcomes Satan now and in the end times when the victory will be
fully understood and experienced. All of the martyrs and holy persons who
gave their lives for Jesus witness to us about the meaning of perseverance
and total self-giving.

This mystery was celebrated at the beginning of this month of November in
the Feast of All Saints followed by that of All Souls Day liturgy. Now at
the end of the month the complete story is told through the Book of
Revelation in today's selection. Life for those who have died in Christ is
being changed and transformed into eternal life. The Scriptures simply
confirm these beliefs for us.

We pray that all whom we know and love and who have passed through the veil
of death may be alive before God in their prayers for us just as we pray
and invoke them. The Communion of Saints therefore is one of our most
consoling of mysteries. We are confident that our own remembrances and
prayers to these holy ones will help us to have our names written in the
Book of Life. This call of God that comes to us each day helps us to
choose life over death in both the little things we face and in the greater
verities of the meaning of human life and its limitations. We are called
to be witnesses to the word of God and to Jesus. This message is both
challenging and hopeful. We make the invocation of the King of all saints
as we pray, "Come, Lord Jesus! Maranatha! Amen.