Reflection on Today’s Daily Readings by Fr. Bertrand Buby, SM

Today’s Readings

Scripture: Lectionary # 508. Revelation 22:1-7. Psalm 95:1- Luke

In this next to last day of the liturgical year, our gospel reading is
short and to the point. Jesus is preparing us for the great day when he
will return in glory. This is often called the Parousia, a Greek word which
also means presence (The kingdom of God is within). Decisive lines are
drawn up for our pondering and we are encouraged to avoid selfishness,
sensuality, drunkedness, and preoccupation with worldly allurements. We
have been hearing how necessary it is for us to be strong in our belief in
Jesus (fortes in fide). Now Jesus is telling us to stand strong before him
(thus he is present to us).

This reading is appropriate as we consider the ultimate things and the
future coming of the Lord. It is an eschatological message that is
persuasive and clear as it comes directly from the mouth of the Son of God,
Jesus. Our response is Advent like as we sing out or chant: Marana tha!
Come, Lord Jesus!

The selection from the Book of Revelation also tells us that we are
reflecting on the end time. We have a glimpse of Heaven from the seer, John
of Patmos. We envision our lives in front of the throne of God and the
Lamb of God. God's promises to us will be fulfilled both now and in the
future. We will see God. The last words we have for today are truly
consoling: "Remember, I am coming soon. ! Happy the man who heeds the
prophetic words of this book!" This is another of the many beatitudes we
hear in the Scriptures. The Book of Revelation has given us seven specific

Our Psalm95 is a psalm of praise and confidence in God the creator and
redeemer. We join in the call of God: Let us greet him with thanksgiving;
let us joyfully sing psalms to him." Arthur Weiser in his classic
commentary on the psalms encapsulates the meaning of this excellent morning
prayer psalm: "The profound meaning of the liturgical festival as an
encounter between God and his people finds its fulfillment in the fact that
the ancient tradition of the Heilsgeschicte (salvation history) regarding
creation, election, and the making of the covenant at Sinai is here renewed
as a present sacral event (cf. of the "today" in verse 7b), and that God's
power and saving grace are here revealed before the eyes of his people, who
in their turn humble themselves in his presence, offering him their
humility and adoration, their gratitude and trust, their submission and
obedience." (Weiser, The Psalms, Old Testament Library, p. 626). Amen.