Reflection on Today’s Daily Readings by Fr. Bertrand Buby, SM

Today’s Readings

Advent begins with the Vespers of last night and will continue till the
Feast of Christmas. We are beginning a new year of God's graces and in our
Eucharist we are blessed with the grace of Scripture being read and
listened to by believers who want to make of Advent a time of
contemplation, quietness, and expectation. It is a season of great hope.
One religious member of a community of brothers and priests has this
beautiful passage from Lamentations. It helps us to emphasize hope during
this waiting period of prayer and liturgy:

But I will this to mind as my reason to have hope: The favors of the
Lord are not exhausted, his mercies are not spent; They are renewed each
morning, so great is his faithfulness. My portion is the Lord, says my
soul; therefore will I hope in him. (Lamentations 3:21-24).

Lord, come to our assistance and help us to be attentive and devoted to
your holy word during this Advent season. O Holy Spirit, stir up deep
devotion and love within our hearts for you and for one another through the
inspiration of the words of God and Jesus that you have sent to us. May
Isaiah, the Psalmist, John the Baptist, and Jesus be present to us through
these holy words. Father, we thank you for giving us Jesus as the Word
made flesh who dwells among us as Emmanuel. He is the hoped for promises
fulfilled in every age of our history and your salvation history.

We ask Isaiah to help us understand his words to us. May he instruct us in
your ways that we may walk in your paths. May your word bring forth
instruction for us from Zion, the holy city of Jerusalem. (Isaiah 2: 3).

And as we sing the psalm response of Psalm 122 let us pray for one another
for peace among all peoples especially among Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
"For the sake of these my brothers and my friends, I shall say, 'Peace be
within you." (Psalm 122:8).

St. Paul keeps telling us that our salvation is near. We are to put on the
Lord Jesus Christ and make no provisions for the desires of the
flesh." (Romans 13:14).

We are encouraged by Jesus to stay awake for we do not know the hour of his
coming. We must be prepared for the day of the Lord. We are to keep watch
and to pray for the Son of Man is coming at the time we least expect.
(Matthew 24:42).

May we be atuned to what St. Augustine says as we enter this Advent with
hope and enthusiasm: "At present your body receives life from the soul, but
then it will receive life from the Spirit." The Lord is good to those who
wait for him. Our souls seek the Lord. It is good to hope in the Lord.
Marana tha Jesus! Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.