There are 1.3 billion Catholics in the world. There are 67 million Catholics in the United States. Tragically, a staggering 70% of Catholics in America don’t regularly attend Mass on Sunday and 40% of the people in church on Christmas only attend once or twice a year.
Despite these sobering statistics, at two-thousand-years old, the Church is in the prime of her life and is as relevant now as ever before. Today, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church feeds, clothes and helps educate more people than any institution in the world.
If we can lead the world in corporal works with nearly two-thirds of our membership disengaged from active participation in their Catholic faith, consider how we can transform the heart of the world with these members fully reengaged.
It’s Time To Wake The Sleeping Giant.
Reengaging disengaged Catholics is the mission of the Dynamic Catholic Institute Parish Evangelization Book Program.
Thanks to this incredible initiative, approximately 1,000 free copies of Confessions of a Mega Church Pastor by Allen Hunt and Rediscover Catholicism by best selling author, Matthew Kelly, were distributed during Advent and on Christmas day in my parish. Now, by being passed from one recipient to another, these books will be read and positively influence the lives of thousands of people. That’s how the Parish Book Program works.
The Dynamic Catholic Institute believes that by distributing low cost or free copies of great Catholic books, millions of people will be evangelized and will discover the beauty, genius and modern relevance of Catholicism.
“Books Are Powerful. Books Inspire Us. Books Change Lives.”
More than 600,000 Catholic books were distributed last year. But it’s about much more than passing out books. It’s about rekindling the fire of faith in the hearts of American Catholics, inspiring a new generation of vocations and bringing new life to parish communities.
You Can Do It.
Please contact Cherie Trentine at 513.766.8398 (ext. 4) or email
to learn how to light your parish on fire with the Dynamic Catholic Institute Parish Book Program.
Be Bold Be Catholic is more than just a catchy slogan. It’s a rallying cry for a modern and very powerful evangelization movement.
It’s Time.
Copyright 2011 Brian K. Kravec
About the Author
Brian K. Kravec
Brian is a cradle Catholic, husband and father. He's the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Possibility Productions, a 501(c)(3) faith event evangelization apostolate in service of the Body of Christ. Brian has proudly served the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fresno on the Board of Directors for KNXT Catholic Television, is the Steward of St. Patrick’s Faith Event Ministry for his local parish and a 4th degree member of the Knights of Columbus. Brian and his wife are consecrated members of the Militia Immaculata. For information on the MI and Total Consecration visit