Throughout most of my life I have been told by others, “Don't be so sensitive.”  I have always easily cried when I have been emotionally hurt by others.  It may have been something as simple as the school nurse not believing I was sick enough to go home, or as I got older, a coworker yelling at me.  Now crying in these situations does not really make sense considering first of all, I was an overachiever who never wanted to miss school, and secondly, I know that it is considered unprofessional to cry at work.  As embarrassing as it is, I have cried at about four of the jobs I have had for mostly reasons due to my feelings being hurt, or feeling so stressed out that tears manifested themselves.  I can see why sensitivity to my extreme may be viewed as a weakness to others, but it is also a major part of my personality and spirit.

My teachers were very receptive to how intune I was to their needs and the needs of my classmates.  This trait is most likely why I was labeled a teacher's pet.  I enjoyed being helpful by passing out papers or organizing their desks.  It came naturally to me.  Even now, I still try to anticipate the needs of others.  It might be waiting longer in order to hold the door for a stranger, or letting someone cross in front of me as I pull into a grocery store parking lot.  I worry a lot, and a lot of my worries are about other people.  Sensitivity is ingrained in me, and it makes others around me sensitive to it.  But I don't think it is something I can or want to change.

Copyright 2011 Tanya Weitzel