Scripture: Lectionary # 348, March 1, 2011: Sirach 35:1-12. Psalm
50:5-6.7-8.14.23. Mark 10:28-31

Today's Readings

Scriptures have a way of helping us to understand other selections in
Scripture. The first reading and the psalm for today helps us to live out
and enjoy the message from the Gospel.  We are to bring our gifts to the
altar or to God.  We easily can think of the Offertory Procession when the
gifts are brought to the altar by several of the believers or by a family.
This helps us to understand the importance of that sacred ritual in our
celebration of the Mass (the Eucharist).  In the Gospel our very person
symbolizes or total gift of self to God. The gifts of the bread and wine
are sacramentally transformed into the Presence of the Lord Jesus who is at
the center of each of our Eucharistic celebrations.  Just as Jesus is
transformed we are to be changed into living the life of Christ Jesus
through the mingling of the drop of water poured into the chalice.

Peter is asking the Lord what can expect to get because of his leaving
everything behind to follow Jesus. He is convinced he has offered all to
the Lord, therefore, what will happen to him?  Jesus replies he will be
given back a hundredfold in many ways--brothers and sisters in the faith,
even places to stay, etc.  Relationships, possessions of a spiritual
nature, graces, and love are given to him and to us by Jesus. Jesus also
promises something that no one else has ever promised and given-- eternal

Our Psalm is our prayer which unites us to the offerings brought up to the
altar.  We hear about our offering of ourselves: "Gather my faithful ones
before me, those who have made covenant with me by sacrifice."  The last
verse confirms how good and gracious God is: "Honor to me is a sacrifice of
thanksgiving, to the upright I will show God's salvation."  Amen.