Scripture: Lectionary 248:Exodus 32:7-14. Psalm 106:19-20.21-22.23. John

Thursday's Readings

Hope resides in our memory.  Remembering the great acts of God ("magnalia
dei") for Israel is part of our spiritual journeying with Christ not only
during Lent but also throughout our life.  Salvation history is a part of
our Church's journey and of everyone who believes in God and believes in

Today, in the selection from St. John, we have the theme of Jesus'
testimony or witness (the word also is used in reference to martyrdom in
the sense of ultimate testimony; martyrein has both meanings). Jesus is
testifying to everyone who reads this passage or who listens to his living
voice in the liturgical reading of the text.  He wants us to be a part of
the witness that Moses, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob have given to God by
their lively acts of faith and their remembering the great things God did
for them in their time in history. Beneath all of the turmoil and
turbulence history attests to there is also the stream of God's saving acts
among us through what we call salvation history ( Heilsgeschicte).

Jesus gives us ample witness.  First he testifies or witnesses to the truth
and five of John the Baptist's students or disciples leave their master to
follow Jesus the Lamb of God testified to by their master, the Baptizer
named John.  Secondly,  Jesus own salvific works and words testify to God's
creative and redemptive love working within him for the good of all
humankind. Thirdly, Jesus tells us that the Scriptures too testify or
witness to who he really is.  The plan of God goes on whether we welcome it
or not; whether we realize it or despise it.

In praying the Psalm for this day we enter into the prayer that brings us
right into the middle of salvation history and the plan of God.  We
remember to thank God, to praise God, and to trust and hope in God.
The response says it all, "Lord, remember  us, for the love you bear your

We are called to be witnesses to Jesus as the Living Word of God.  Our own
call to be apostles and witnesses (martyres) stems from Jesus and his
invitation to us to join him in being creative agents of God's redemptive
love.  We confirm this call by an active and lively faith in the very
person of Jesus, the Word of God. He has become really one with us through
being born of Mary the virgin-mother of the Messiah, and by his living and
dwelling among us. (John 1:14).  Jesus is our way, our truth, and our life.
(John 14:6).  Amen.