Retreat:"The Song of Motherhood: Vocation and Spiritual Path"

Motherhood is a way of life for countless women. Come and learn how it is also a vocation by which God calls us to holiness and a participation in God’s creative, redemptive work.  Come away and rest in this peaceful retreat setting, as we explore the gifted calling of motherhood. Based on The Mother’s Calling: Love in the Heart of the World (Paulist Press 2011) and the teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Location:     Jesuit Retreat Center, 300 Manresa Way, Los Altos, California
Date:            May 28, 2011, 9am to 4pm
Register:     by Mail or on line at

Retreat Director Julie Paavola, MA, is an author, spiritual director and inspirational speaker. Her new book is The Mother’s Calling: Love in the Heart of the World, (Paulist Press, 2011). It is a summons to Christian women to see themselves as part of the long tradition of holy women in Scripture, and to know the unique beauty of the mother's calling and respond with trust and joy. Julie's is trained in the contemplative practice of Carmelite spirituality and as well as the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. She is bilingual and enjoys giving retreats in Spanish as well as English. To celebrate the example and lives of the saints, she does monologue performances of St. Paul, St. Teresa of Avila and many other saints. She has worked in Religious Education, social justice and outreach and speaks on many subjects, such as prayer and discernment, peace and justice, stewardship and family life. Julie is blessed to live in Northern California with her husband and two children.