Scripture (June 7). Lectionary # 298. Acts 20:17-27. Psalm 68:
10-11.20-21. John 17:1-11

Tuesday's Readings

Jesus lifts his eyes toward heaven and prays to the Father. We enter the
"Priestly Prayer of the Lord" in chapter seventeen. We hear of the
biblical expression contained in the word "glory" (kabod in Hebrew, doxa in
Greek). In fact, we already have learned that chapters 13 through 21 are
called the Book of Glory while chapters 1-12 are the Book of Signs. How
are we to understand this word "glory" when we read it or hear it in the
proclamation of the Gospel? Unlike the ordinary application of this term
"glory" it means something other than our common use of the word. It is
totaliter aliter (totally different). It ordinary means praise, honor, or
distinction extended to someone by common consent. But in both the Old
Testament and the New Testament it means the interior goodness and
greatness of the Presence of God and Jesus, not their extended reputation
and renown. God's very presence is stability and wholesomeness or
integrity as existing, being, and enduring forever.

Psalm 145 helps us to understand the glory of God: "The glory of God is the
radiant manifestation of God's being: "On the glorious splendor of your
majesty and on your wondrous work, I will meditate." (Psalm 145:5). God's
glory is God as revealed in Jesus Christ and in ourselves fully alive
through faith, hope, and love. (Psalm 8:6; II Cor.3:18; 4:6).

One Father of the Church sees the word glory as love and thus is related to
the Presence of the Holy Spirit. And as we move through our novena toward
Pentecost, the Coming of the Holy Spirit, and the Birthday of the Church,
we realize that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are filled with "glory" or
love manifested to us in the life, death, and resurrection-ascension of

" For Israel and for us to give glory to God is simply to acknowledge God's
greatness, to be open to God's Presence, and to perceive the splendor of
God throughout the world. Yes, I will glorify your Name forever (Psalm
86:12). Our doxology is perfect for interpreting our passage from John
about the glory of God: "Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the
Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and will be forerver. Amen."
Perhaps, one last thought: The Book of Glory should also be considered as
the Book of Love. The theme of love predominates this part of John's Gospel
and as we have seen glory in God is Love. Alleuliah.