As we rush headlong through the season of Advent, I find myself driving here and there, crossing items off my never ending “to do” list and preparing for birthday parties; among other responsibilities. My determination to achieve all things is so great that I risk forgetting the most important item.

I need to be silent. To be still.  To spend time listening to God.

Sitting in carpool one day, Matthew Kelly’s words in A Call to Joy reminded me of this necessary silence I often neglect.

Silence is the best way to remember the presence of God.  When we live in the presence of God, we dance for joy.”

Amazingly, when I do take the time to focus on what is truly important, God, my life feels manageable and calm even in the middle of all the madness.  Being silent and still allows me to place God at the center and surround myself with His presence.  Sitting silent, allows me to reflect on all that is good and blessed in my life this Advent.

As you make your own holidays “to-do” list, be sure to add “Be Still and Live in the Presence of God” to the top of yours.  Grant yourself five minutes or more to become centered and witness the calm blessings for yourself.

Copyright 2011 Lisa Jones