Natural Family Planning (NFP) provides many benefits that not only promote healthy living, this remarkable method of birth regulation is also environmentally friendly and fosters authentic marital love.
NFP is safe
There are no harmful side effects for either the husband or wife. It is completely safe, 100 percent natural, and involves no potentially harmful devices or drugs.
NFP is healthy
There are no pills, invasive procedures or long-term drugs. Women who use NFP know more about their bodies and can discover health problems sooner.
NFP is effective
Used and taught properly, NFP can be 99 percent effective in avoiding pregnancy. In our experience as an NFP user couple, we have never had an unplanned pregnancy in nearly 30 years. NFP can also assist some couples in achieving much-wanted pregnancies without chemicals and operations.
NFP costs very little to use
In this economy, NFP is very cost effective. Other than the cost of the course, materials and the replacement of thermometers, NFP costs very little to use over a couple’s 20 or 30 years of fertility, compared to purchasing condoms, diaphragms, pills and other chemicals or operations.
NFP is environmentally friendly
NFP does no harm to the environment. Charts can be recycled and there are no chemicals or other devices used.
NFP is marriage insurance
In a study done by the Couple to Couple League (link:, couples who used NFP had a less than two percent risk of divorce compared to the national secular average of 50 percent.
NFP is morally acceptable
Married couples who use NFP are spiritually healthy because NFP fosters authentic marital love and allows a couple to love as Christ loves: freely, totally, faithfully and fruitfully.
NFP works with irregular cycles
NFP is not like the old rhythm method, which depended on regular cycles. NFP’s charting system works with a woman’s present signs of fertility.
For more information on NFP:
Cartoon copyright 2010 Full Quiver Publishing/James and Ellen Hrkach
Text copyright 2012 Ellen Gable Hrkach
About the Author
Ellen Gable Hrkach
Ellen Gable Hrkach and her husband, James, have been certified NFP teachers since 1984. Ellen is also an award-winning, bestselling author of 13 books, an editor, publisher, and self-publishing book coach. Her newest book is Life From the Bottom Shelf. The mother of five adult sons and grandmother of three precious grandchildren, Ellen lives in Pakenham, Ontario with her husband. Contact her at Full Quiver Publishing.