Scripture: Lectionary #268. Acts 3:1-10. Psalm 105:1-2.3-4.6-7.8-9. Luke 24:13-35

Wednesday's Readings

How can we come to know and love the Risen Lord more during these Easter days of continued celebration and praise?  St. Luke’s narrative of the two disciples on their way to Emmaus and then back to Jerusalem may give us some motivation for having a deeper appreciation of the Easter appearances of Jesus and even of experiencing him as did the two who were returning to Jerusalem.

Often Jesus is in our hearts and minds but we are not aware or paying attention to that presence. Our faith in him is taken for granted and we go through our regular routine of prayer without really experiencing the presence of Jesus that is always there in our souls.  Our eyes and feelings are not perceiving his presence. We do habitually do good and serve God’s people but in the ordinary and perfunctory routine that we have. The deeper sense of Jesus’ presence is not felt.

Jesus is the one who walks along with us in these routine doings both in prayer and ministry and work, yet, our eyes are closed. It is he who takes the initiative by inviting us to really be attentive to what his words and the words of the Scriptures say about him. He unravels for us the first readings at the liturgical celebration of the Mass.  He has fulfilled the promises of God in the Torah and those of the Prophets.  His inward prayer is always in tune with the Psalm and its response. Do we listen and sing with deeper faith than usual during this Easter season?  We can if we become aware of the living voice of God and that of the Son of God in these liturgical sacred readings.

Jesus does not stop walking with us just as he continued to walk with Cleopas and his partner (his wife?).  It is he who is the one spoken of in the Scriptures. Our faith can make us aware of his voice, his presence, and his love for us. Like the two disciples our hearts can be burning within us if we enter into his mystery of love, hope, and trust.

We must invite Jesus to be with us and even to dine with us just as they did. This presence of Jesus is in those who eat with us and surround us in partaking of a meal.  Jesus does take the bread, bless it, and distribute it to us.  This is what we experience every time we partake in the Eucharist.  Our eyes can be opened and our hearts warmed by the presence of Jesus among us. We come to know the risen Christ in the faith perception and deeper listening to the Scriptures and then our partaking of the Body and Blood of the Lord repeat what happened to Cleopas and his companion.   This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice in it. Amen. Alleulia.