I'll admit to not having yet read the entire article yet -- The Man Who Remade Motherhood -- which profiles Dr. Sears and discusses Attachment Parenting. It's all over my Facebook feed, and is admittedly very hard to miss. But I DO have to ask our readers what you think of this month's cover image... Clearly they were going for shock value, rather than a thoughtful discussion on the merits of AP. And the Mother's Day timing is obvious. Finally, how do you feel about the child in this photo being used in this manner? Please weigh in in the combox below.

Edited: Just a quick follow up to say that if you would like to hear directly from the mom featured in this cover photo and from Dr. Sears on the concepts related to Attachment Parenting, visit the Today Show website. The featured video includes Cover mom Jamie Grumet, 26, and her son Aram, with Jaime responding directly to the media frenzy surrounding the photo.

Copyright 2012 Lisa M. Hendey