Small Success Thursday
Every week we take time to look back at the past seven days and see how we made progress towards our goals, be they little or big. It’s important to stop and take stock, because weeks otherwise can pass without our quite noticing. So breathe deep. Consider how this past week, you were beyond blessed in the minutia and the big picture, and how you in your labors of the day over these past seven days, were a blessing to others both in the minutia and in the big picture. We all are called to be saints, and that sanctification comes through all the things we do, big and small, and how much love we poured into those moments, big and small.

Leave your small successes in the com box or a link to your blog, and then give yourself a pat on the back, because this past week, you were a source of grace to others, and you worked hard. Good job!

This past week I:

1) Shopped with daughter to find her bridesmaid’s dress, ordered it.
2) Mailed a package to my mom, and a second one to my brother.
3) Won tickets on the radio to go to a breakfast with the band on Thursday morning!
4) Exercised (walking) Friday, Saturday, Tuesday and Wednesday thanks to all the ladies in this group who inspire with their exercise’s progress.
5) Continued working on Helen, wrote a major component (20 pages).
6) Dryer arrived. Clothing now can be folded and put away…I can catch up on the laundry….wait.
7) Began reading the Hobbit with my eight year old son. I’m just prepping him for December when Jackson’s film comes out.

I look forward to seeing what all of you have been up to this week.

Leave your list on your blog and list your blog in the comments or leave your small successes in the comment section itself and thanks for being part of Small Success Thursday!

Copyright 2012 Sherry Antonetti