Finding good, thought provoking quotes has been a love of mine for the past couple of years.  I’ve found a good quote has a way of putting life in perspective and often allows me to hit the pause button resetting an otherwise stressful day. Having recently moved we are continuing to work on unpacking and setting up our new home and I’ve enjoyed the chance to share some of my favorite quotes with our family.

Last year during a particularly stressful time of unknowns, this favorite made its way into our home and is now centered on our entryway wall.

Then, for the kids, we constructed a large blackboard in our mudroom that serves as a great place for them to make a terrible mess be creative. With a small portion of it being too high for our youngest to reach I’m allowed a bit of untouched space up-top to leave myself little reminders for the day.

Android has a few free quote apps I’ve come to enjoy and found to be simple and easy to skim through during the week when the need arises.

First are a couple of apps with quotes from Mother Theresa & Thomas Aquinas . Since these two apps are created by the same folks (hMobile) they  have identical interfaces which feature:

  • Easy to use, simple navigation
  • Browsing by random selection or A to Z
  • Easy to add quotes to a favorite’s list
  • One click sharing (facebook, twitter, text, etc)
  • Customizable background as well as font color, style and size

I was really hoping to find an Android app with quotes from a broad list of saints. So far the only one I’ve found is Saint Quotes. It has quotes from a number of saints including:  Saint Ambrose, Francis of Assisi, Saint Augustine, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Basil, Saint Bernard, Saint Gregory, Saint Ignatius, St. Jerome, Saint Patrick, Edith Stein, Saint Stephen, etc….

While this seems like an app with a lot of potential it hasn’t been updated recently and I’m finding it to be a bit buggy.  I mainly use its browse function to randomly view quotes from its list of saints because if I try to utilize its search function it typically shuts down.  It does have an easy interface with the ability share quotes or add them to a favorite’s list. I’m hoping to find something better and I hear *talk* that something is in the works but for now I use this app *just* enough to keep it on my phone.

If you’ve heard of anything better I’d LOVE to know about it!

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Copyright 2012 Kristin Detloff