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Pinterest seems to have gotten a reputation for being a place for women, and yet this week's board of the week is simply one of the many amazing collections of pins being put together by men. Nicholas Hardesty is the blogger behind the Phat Catholic Apologetics blog and the pinner responsible for this week's board of the week, aptly titled Catholic/Christian. This board of Nick's is a combination of stunning photography of churches, classic holy cards, inspirational quotations and much more. It's also a great reminder that a Pinterest board can be diverse and beautiful all at the same time.

And here's this week's tip of the week from Allison Girone of the Catholic Pinterest Group Board who has kindly agreed to offer a weekly pointer for us on how to use some best practices to enjoy and effectively employ Pinterest:

Think you are following ALL of your friends? Maybe not. Go to Find Friends in the drop down bar under your name, top right and you can connect to Facebook, email, Gmail and Yahoo and those friends on Pinterest will be brought to your attention to follow or not follow.

If you are a blogger or have any link you'd like people to find, share it in your profile. Also, each board you have can have its own "profile." Give it a descriptive sentence and an identity.

If you’re a Catholic using Pinterest, please drop a link in the comments below to share your boards. Also, I’d love to hear about why you love Pinterest and how you think this latest craze might be used to spread the Good News.

Lisa M. Hendey loves Pinterest and can be found at

Pushpin image courtesy of Darren Hester

Copyright 2012 Lisa M. Hendey