Here are the Tech Talk highlights from last week.

Catholic Techie Kevin Knight

New Advent's not all there is to this Catholic Techie, as Sarah Reinhard's interview goes to show.

The Hidden Advantages of Texting with Teens

Barb Szyszkiewicz is a big fan of texting with her teens, and she'll tell you why and convince you to give it a try, too.

Tapatalk Forum App

There's a reason this app is the #1 paid app in the Android Market and in the top 5 for the iTunes store, and Kristin Detloff highlights why.

Ninjas Know the Best Place for a Hoagie

Dorian Speed shares a great find for your road trip--whether you're local or traveling far, here's an app that helps you find a restroom, a playground, and a good place to eat.

Copyright 2012 Sarah Reinhard