Scripture: Lectionary 392. Isaiah 26:7-9. 12.16-19. Psalm 102:13-14.15.16-18.19-21. Matthew 11:28-30

Thursday's Readings 

Isaiah allows us to enter into the depths of his prayer today and shares his intimacy with God.  The prophet again shows us how great he is among prophets and touches upon all of the issues and concerns of his time, but today he shares his most intimate prayer.  It is almost similar to being privy to his spiritual journal.  His stronger prophecies against the nations and even against Israel are on hold as we enter the inward world of Isaiah.  We enter into a marvelous
meditation showing us the prophet’s great trust in God and how firmly committed he is to the mission God has given him. As readers we are led to be creative agents of God’s redeeming love for others just as he is.

In the Gospel we are in the Great Missionary Discourse of Matthew’s Gospel. Jesus, too, pauses for a moment to reassure his followers (that includes us) to come to him when we feel the burdens of life heavy upon our shoulders and we are wearied by struggles that we face day in and day out.  Jesus is refreshing us with his words and helping us, so to speak, to hang in there. “Come to me, all you are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you.  Take my yoke upon your shoulders and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. Your souls will find rest, for my yoke is easy and my burden light.” (Matthew 11:28-30).

We most likely we need to recall these words during the course of this day.  We may even be called to console someone with these words put into our own words for them.  We are to be bringers of the Good News and peace to others who may be more stressed out than we are.  We need to refresh ourselves with Jesus words and then to refresh others with them. Amen.