Consecration to Mary: Just for Super Duper Catholics?

I have been a Catholic long enough to know that if you really want to be the best wife, mother, and woman you can be you have to stick with the winners. And the biggest winner is Queen of the Universe, Our Blessed Mother.

Having a distant relationship with my biological mother, I’ve always found “devotion” to Mary challenging. It’s not that I am hostile to her; I just don’t think of her much. I strive to regularly pray the Rosary and a third of the time at lunch we pray the Angelus when we’re not in too big of a hurry to eat. Yet, Mary still seems a bit out there for me.

That is probably why my spiritual director recommended I read “True Devotions to Mary”. A friend tipped me off to a dumbed-down version she thought I would enjoy better, “33 Days to Morning Glory: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat In Preparation for Marian Consecration”. This version definitely felt more in my league.

I didn’t really catch the word “consecration” in the title until I started reading the book. While I know a “consecration” is not a mixed drink, I have never really understood what it was. But to be honest, it sounded icky.

As I began reading the introduction, the whole consecration thing started to take on a new meaning. Author Father Michael E. Gaitley said the day he made his consecration totally changed his life, that everything opened up. Then he referenced Pope John Paul II who concurred and added it was the “turning point” in his life. His consecration even influenced his papal motto, “Totus Tuus” or “Totally Yours”.

Okay…now you got my attention. Perhaps a consecration to Mary isn’t so icky after all as I would be in such good company.

Wait until you hear in my next blog the test I had with less than one week of my Marian retreat.

Catholic Women’s Guide to Healthy Relationships Tip: Commit to one thing today that will help you get closer to Mary.

Copyright 2012 Christina M. Weber