Dignitatas Magazine

Congratulations to our friends at Dignitatas Magazine on the launch of their wonderful Summer Issue. If you haven't yet discovered this wonderful, free online treasure by publishers Abby & Catherine Pelicano, here's a bit of their "purpose statement":

The purpose of Dignitas Magazine is to seek the truth about womanhood as God intended it to be, to encourage Catholic women to authentically live this truth, and to promote it in the world. We look to Sacred Scriptures and the teachings of the Church for our instruction. We strive for authentic holiness by seeking concrete ways to practice virtue. We eagerly look for relevant, winsome ways to promote the goodness of God’s image of womanhood in a world so hungry for the truth. Nourished by prayer and the sacraments and inspired by the example of the saints we joyfully embrace this task – and invite you to join with us!

This Summer Issue contains a wealth of great content for you:

  • "Human Dignity 101: Image and Likeness" - A Biblical and Catechetical look at the basis of human dignity.
  • "From the Newsroom to the Nursery" - A new mother's reflections on leaving the workforce to be a stay-at-home mom.
  • Reflections on the life of St. Gianna Molla.
  • "Reclaiming Social Graces" - A glance back at the socially gracious lifestyle of past generations, and how we can reapply their wisdom and virtue today.
  • "Liechtenstein Prince Wins Pro-life Gamble" - A report on the victory for the pro-life cause that took place in Liechtenstein early in July.
  • "The Beauty of Natural Family Planning" - How practicing NFP can increase the fruits of the Holy Spirit in your marriage and family.

The magazine can be view at the website: www.dignitasmagazine.com.

Copyright 2012 Lisa M. Hendey