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This week's board of the week had me the minute I set eyes on this pin (I dare you not to look). The team over at Ave Maria Singles have all kinds of terrific boards over at Pinterest, but my favorite is their board called "The Dating Game". From popular memes with a Catholic twist to witty one liners, the pins are highly "re-pinnable", which makes them a perfect tool in the New Evangelization. If you know a single friend -- whether or not they are Catholic -- be sure to recommend that they follow Ave Maria Singles on Pinterest.

The Dating Game by Ave Maria Singles -- Click to Follow

And here’s this week’s tip of the week from Allison Girone of the Catholic Pinterest Group Board who has kindly agreed to offer a weekly pointer for us on how to use some best practices to enjoy and effectively employ Pinterest:

IHashtags are for Pinterest, too. In your Pinterest descriptions add hashtags. Think of what words would I use if I were trying to find this pin? Then, put the # in front of those words for search engine optimization. (SEO) You can use those same hashtags in the top left corner search bar to find pins of interest. Find and be found.

If you’re a Catholic using Pinterest, please drop a link in the comments below to share your boards. Also, I’d love to hear about why you love Pinterest and how you think this latest craze might be used to spread the Good News.

Lisa M. Hendey loves Pinterest and can be found at

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Pushpin image courtesy of Darren Hester

Copyright 2012 Lisa M. Hendey