Picking a Patron Saint for Your Family

Undoubtedly each member of your family has their own particular saint to whom they have a special devotion. This could be the saint after which they were named, the saint they picked at their confirmation, or a saint that they simply relate to the most.

But what about your family as a whole? Has your family sat down to decide who the patron saint of your entire family will be?

This may be a neat thing to take the time to do with your family. And it's a great time to do it if you haven't already, especially considering that this is the special papal Year of Faith. A family patron saint can be the one intercessor in heaven who everyone in the family is appealing to together for intentions that concern the family as a whole. This is great way to increase your family's faith, prayer life, and for everyone to be in solidarity together, and to unite the family around troubles, problems, and celebrations that involve all.

For example, you can ask your family's patron saint for intercession regarding any problems such as financial troubles or illness, or even for disharmony among members.  Family patron saints can also be incorporated into seasonal celebrations like Christmas and Easter, or anything else that involves the whole family. Then, on that saint's feast day, your family can honor that saint in a special way and thank them for all their intercession. It can be a fun and uplifting family tradition, almost like adopting a new person into your family.

How to decide on a patron saint shouldn't be too difficult. You can pick patrons that are already associated with the family, such as St. Joseph or St. Anne, or you can pick a saint that's associated with a family interest or hobby. For example, a family of musicians may want to choose St. Cecilia. Another option is choosing the patron saint of where your family has immigrated from, like St. Patrick or St. Brigid for an Irish family. Or you can pick a saint that would appeal to everyone in your family across the board, such as the Blessed Pope John Paul II or St. Michael the Archangel.

Once your family picks a patron saint, be sure to give the saint a place of prominence in the home. For example, place a patron saint statue next to few candles at the entryway table near your front door. You can even add a blank personalized journal with your family's surname engraved on the front, where you write all of your prayer intentions. As your family is coming and going throughout the day, everyone can write out their prayer intentions in the journal, such as a big test someone has that day, safety for travel, etc. The journal can then be a family keepsake! This is a great way for the family to be in prayer together for everyone's intentions and to see how heaven has guided the family as a whole through all the ups and downs over the years.

Does your family already have a patron saint? If not, do you think this would be a benefit for your family?