Daily Scriptures Reflection for Monday

Scripture: Lectionary 485. Monday, November 5. Week 31. II. Philippians 2: 1-4. Psalm 131: 1.2.3. Luke 14:12-14

Do you remember how short the readings usually were for the feast of the Most Holy Trinity! The Most Holy Trinity is the greatest of all mysteries. It is considered to be the most difficult for preachers, homilists, and for most who reflect on the Scriptures. Well, today we have three very short readings that are remarkably easy to appreciate and enjoy while taking out a few minutes to read them or to go to the Eucharist and hear them. They do have a common twofold theme: love and hospitality for the lowly. Let’s take a few minutes to ponder them and enjoy these brief inspired messages.

We have the first four lines of chapter two which serve as a preface to the great Christological hymn of Philippians 2:5-11. Paul wants us to encourage him by listening to what he is telling us. His message is about love and how that should be the glue for all other virtues and good habits including the center of our daily prayers. Maybe it was Paul who taught Luke to have the expression in the Acts familiar to Marianists and cherished by John Henry Newman who is up for beatification. That motto like phrase is “One heart and one soul” (Cor unum et anima una). That captures what Paul is telling us today.

The encouragement he asks of us is to love and be united with one another in a peaceful manner in all things. This is what would make his joy complete. Isn’t it a great thing to make a saint joyful because of our doing this? If we think humbly about ourselves and consider how good others are and respect them as brothers and sisters we are encouraging Paul. We owe this to him who has encouraged us throughout this season with his powerful epistles and letters.

A former edition of the Rule of Life or Constitutions of the Marianists has this motivating thought for its members: “Whatever is of interest to our fellow brothers should not leave us indifferent.” I have always remembered that and it is a good way of finishing the day with a short examination of conscience—did I do this for my fellow Marianists? This can easily be extended to everyone whom I meet this day.

Our Psalm is one of the shortest and most beautiful. We may think of a newborn resting in her mother’s arms as we read it. Total dependence and contentment are apparent in this little psalm. God’s peaceful love is imaged here and it is a perfect night prayer.

Our hospitality probably is good. Jesus tells us make it better by giving the poor and the lowly our warmth of welcome as did Martha and Mary; as did Mary and Joseph. The poor, the lame, the hungering, the homeless, should be our priority in our hospitality that is all inclusive. We Marianists have in our mission statement that our priority is for the education of youth and great concern put into action for the poor. Amen.

Copyright 2012 Fr. Bertrand Buby, S.M.