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Carol Bannon ponders how we can find ways to hope even in the midst of tragic times.


[Editor's note: I regret that due to a scheduling error, Carol's submission did not run during Advent. I hope you will still find it inspiring in these days after Christmas, when we continue to await Christ's second coming. LMH]


 We Wait, We Trust, We Believe


We wait, we trust, we believe…those words were the prelude to an Advent Prayer Service for Women which I attended three weeks ago.  At the time, they were a powerful reminder to slow down during the hectic weeks leading up to Christmas.  I thought those six words would prompt me to spend time each day and ponder the mystery of the Nativity. And I felt if I kept those six words close to my heart I would be reminded often that God is in control of all things, and through Him we are given all that we need.

And then the sadness of Sandy Hook Elementary School in CT happened, and I began to feel differently.

We wait…for a time when there is peace on earth, peace in our country, peace in our state, peace on our streets.  We wait for a time when we can once again peacefully discuss issues with our family, friends, and co-workers.   We wait for a time when men of all cultures lay down their arms and instead choose to place their arms around one another.  We wait.

We trust…our politicians want what is best for our country’s future and not what is best for their future.  We trust our fellow citizens want what is best for all people, and not what is best for their particular situation.  We trust things will become better with time, all the while not knowing how much time we may truly have.  We trust.

We believe… God is truly in charge and that His Wisdom will guide our country towards a path of ever greater blessings. We believe when evil such as Sandy Hook occurs God is waiting there to lead us all through. We believe, through Him, all things are possible.

During these final days of Advent, while we finish our holiday preparations, take a moment to remember Sandy Hook.  Say a prayer for the surviving parents who celebrate the birth of Our Savior while mourning the death of their child.  Light a candle for the surviving family members of all the victims who will celebrate the coming of Christ while feeling the pain of total loss.  We cannot take the pain away from them, but we can pray for their pain to be eased in the coming days and years.

We wait in prayerful silence for Our Lord’s coming, we trust God will continue to watch over and bless our country, and we believe that only through Him will we achieve true peace on earth.

Blessings to all and Merry Christmas.

Copyright 2012 Carol S. Bannon
Image: Canva