Are You Saved? Are You Saved?

“Are you saved? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?” The questions took me aback for two reasons. First of all, I hadn’t had to answer that question since high school. Second, a good Christian woman with whom I had been friends since I had only three children (I now have nine) was asking it of me. Perhaps because I was surprised by the question, maybe even a little hurt [so much for, “They will know you are my disciples by your love for one another” (John 13:35)], I did not feel that I answered justly. This was how our conversation went:

“Are you saved?”

“Yea, two thousand years ago, when Jesus died for my sins.”

“True, but have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?”

“Yes, of course.”


Then I mentioned something about my Baptism and Confirmation. She nodded, somewhat unconvincingly and the topic of conversation was changed. But my mind was still stuck on the previous questions. Boy, did I miss a chance to evangelize about the Catholic Church. That night, while I was praying, I asked God to forgive me for missing the wonderful opportunity He laid right before me. I promised never to miss out again if ever I was asked that ever so important question. Now my answer would be more like this:

Indeed, I was born again at my Baptism. Jesus has been living in my heart since then. What my parents professed on my behalf and the faith they taught me as I was growing up, I accepted as my own at my Confirmation when I was 14. It was then that I publically stated my belief in Jesus as my Savior, as well as the Father as my Creator and the Holy Spirit as my Sanctifier. I also renounced Satan and all his evil works and empty promises.

Still, at every Mass, I ask my Lord into my heart. He answers that prayer in the Eucharist as He truly, physically comes to me. With every confession of my sins, both sacramental and personal, I confess Jesus as my Savior.

Most of all, through the course of my life, Jesus has become more to me than just my Savior (though I am, literally, eternally grateful to Him for His willingness to die for me). Jesus Christ is my Savior, my Brother, my Friend, my Best Friend, my Lover. He is my inspiration, my motivation, my reason for living and my reason for giving life. I recognize Him as the source of my strength, my patience, my perseverance, my gentleness, my charity, my goodness. Anything good in me has been given to me by the merits of Jesus Christ through His Spirit. And through that Holy Spirit, He helps me to be holy, as His Father is holy, so that I may reap the benefits of His saving action. Then, one day - one glorious, beautiful, eternal day, I know I will see Him face to face.

Well, next time, that is how I plan to answer any such questions about my salvation. How about you? How would you answer the question, “Have you been saved?”

Copyright 2013 Kelly Guest