Take Five for Faith” is a new, FREE Android app from Truequest Communications. It provides daily spiritual reflections as well as links to daily scripture readings and social networks.  If you feel your phone is already jam-packed or are looking for a new email devotion – this is also available as an email through the Take Five for Faith website.

Take Five

I love the tag line on the opening screen: “Daily Renewal for Busy Catholics”!   Almost all of us, at one point or another, can relate with being busy … be it as mom, dad, employee, daughter, Catholic!

The daily reflections are in-depth and spiritually rich but not so long as to feel burdensome. 

take five app

Maybe you are like me and share that feeling you get when you open a piece of spiritual reading, and you know it’s going to be wonderful but you just don’t have the time you want to give it, so instead of reading what you can, you just close it or save it ‘for another time’ (which never comes).

When I opened this app, I thought, "Okay, if I’m in a line at the bank or waiting for my kid at dance class, I can so read this!"  Everything at this time in my life is measured by what I can do between doing something for others – and while I do make time for myself, I just feel that in my vocation of mother that more often than not, I put my “doing” on hold to serve others.  I don’t neglect my spiritual well-being, as that would not be prudent, but I have to choose those things that can reasonably fill it in the time I have available.

The main page consists of:

  • The Current Date
  • A Daily Reflection
  • List of Today’s Readings
  • Quote from the Readings
  • Links to Social Network outlets (Twitter, Facebook) as well as the USCCB

Other features:

Search allows you to navigate through past and present reflections and articles by any keyword.

Buttons existed on the app for “Archive” and “More” but they were not working on the current version for Android.  It is a fairly new release, and I’m sure updates and fixes will be out soon. You can access the archives through the search feature.

Even without all the features in full function, this is a fantastic, worthwhile download.  I highly recommend the “Take Five for Faith” Android app.

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Copyright 2013 Allison Gingras