Persistent Prayerful Silence Persistent Prayerful Silence

We have this little bird house hanging under our carport. Every year one little Mama bird is brave enough to venture close enough to make her nest in it and each spring we get to hear the babies chirp and cry out until she comes with a worm, cricket, or whatever other kind of morsel of food for them to snack on.

Today I watched as she came back over and over and OVER again with food. She barely fits inside her house because the babies take up most of the room. She nervously darts around watching my boys and our cats carefully each time she comes back to feed her young. I think she left and came back 10 times in hour we were outside. Finally, she settled the bird house for her own lunch and rest time.

I admired her quiet persistence. That Momma bird just went about her job of feeding her young and had such a purpose and determination to do it! It made me picture myself, fixing lunch for my family. So often and how I complain out loud if I have to get up to get something for somebody else fourteen times before I even get to take a bite.

I hope to learn from this small creature. I want to go about my daily jobs more quietly. I love to talk on the phone way too much or sometimes, I just fill up the air with words when I probably could accomplish my task in a more prayerful silence, listening to the children instead of talking over them.

My own three little boys are growing, changing and giving me great joy. I see the joy they bring people when we go out. Especially when my youngest makes eye contact or approaches those we just met I often get many comments about how lucky I am to see his face each day. They are absolutely right!!

This week has been full of new babies, with my sister and best friend having babies a day a part! No matter how many children are in my life, each one is exciting in its own way. The more I get to know my kids, nieces, nephews and my friend’s kids I realize it doesn’t matter how many people there are out there, each one is unique and has something special to offer this world. When holding a baby, it is easier to be quiet, knowing they mostly take comfort in your presence and touch.

Do you sometimes struggle with persistent prayerful silence? I think more of this in my day could lead me closer to Christ.

Copyright 2013 Laura Buller