From LITTLE I APPS, LLC, the makers of Confession:Roman Catholic App, My Year of Faith, and eVotions - Blessed John Paul II  and other great Catholic new Media tools, comes Wake Up To The Creed.


This sweet, simple, little app is part of the Little I APPS  team’s dedicated response to Pope Benedict XVI’s encouragement for each of us to learn and regularly recite the Nicene creed.

In Disciples Called to Witness, the Bishops of the United States have told us that, “The New Evangelization is a call to each person to deepen his or her own faith...”

To deepen our faith we must first know what it is we believe. We must be intimate with our own faith before we can hand it on to others.

At the opening of The Year Of Faith the Holy Father asked that each of us memorize the Nicene creed. These few short phrases succinctly summarize what we have staked our lives on. These words bestow the gift of courage on us; courage to be different in a world that does not understand what love really is.

The Nicene Creed was formally instituted at the council of Nicea in the year 325 and has been recited by Christians the world over ever since. Countless souls have died for the truths professed in this powerful creed. More Christians have been martyred in the 20th century than all of the preceding centuries combined. We live in a world which is hostile to our Faith; but, we have no reason for dismay because we know, love and trust in the Truth which the Nicene Creed so joyfully and fearlessly professes.

Wake Up To The Creed is designed to help us remember what it is we as Christians proclaim each day as we venture out into the world to spread the Good News. When you set the app’s alarm clock, you will be awakened by the heavenly chiming of bells and a prompt to pray the Profession of Faith in English, Spanish, French, Polish, or Latin, with or without music. A wonderful tool for helping to develop the discipline of prayer at any time of the day.

Did you know? A partial indulgence is granted normally to those who faithfully recite the Nicene creed, but, during this Year of Faith, this penitential work is presently granted a plenary indulgence (under the normal conditions of indulgence). Score!

Wake Up To The Creed is available in Android (2.2 and up) and iOS for a very affordable 99 cents.

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Copyright 2013 Jen Haganey