As we reflect on the theme of patience today with the Small Steps Tour, we thought we'd take a moment to also highlight some of the humorous ways moms grab five minutes.

Today, meet Chris. She's a mom whose patience must be unbounded and coupled with at least a year's worth of courage. Observe:


Chris is a boy-mom who's not afraid to take pictures of her sons on pogo sticks and who chronicles all sorts of adventures. While all this may not make you think of patience, let me explain myself: "adventure" in my mom-world means "messy chaos filled with loud voices," which may or may not be an occasion for drawing closer to Christ. It can't just be me: as I read through Chris's tales, I can't help but think that this is the stuff patience is made of.

And it can be fun, can't it? It's good to be reminded of that and encouraged in our journey toward virtue.

Now, if you haven't already join us at Catholic Sistas for some Small Steps. And don't forget to enter the "Five Minutes Alone" contest that's going on as part of our blog tour!