People climbing on gearsNot only is your home a domestic church, it’s also a lot like a business.

And businesses have lots of moving parts. If something isn’t where it should be, things don’t work.

To make it worse, businesses are run by people…people whose actions or inactions are controlled 90% by unconscious drives, thoughts, and feelings.

People are parts of families. Families are complicated. Individuals in a family often have seemingly conflicting needs.

God made moms to be the heart of families. Moms feel the pulse of the family, and can tell when there is hurt and there is joy and everything in between.

Moms know in their core when something’s clogged, impaired or broken.

When you combine moms and businesses, things can get dicey. Overlapping priorities, time crunches, stress, and sometimes chaos can erupt.

But as a Catholic mompreneur, you have another advantage: the teachings of the Church about families. There are benefits of being Catholic. The Church forms your life and business compass (a well-formed conscience) that nudges you when you are out of alignment in any area of your personal, professional, and relational life.

Two of the obvious aids include:

1. Prayer and the sacraments are the scalpels that carve out a well-formed conscience. The Eucharist gives you the calm, lover-like connection to Jesus, keeping you level-headed as you tackle the challenges of the day in running a business and a family.

2. Regular Reconciliation keeps your ego in check so you can sort out the trials with a humble heart. But the biggest underpinning of your Catholic Mompreneur Competitive Advantage regarding the family is the Church’s bold teachings on life.

The Catholic Church stood firm in her teaching that artificial birth control was not licit while almost all others gradually faltered. The Church encouraged doctors and other professionals to find moral means to regulate pregnancies.

The rest of the world went with what was popular and more convenient. Many Catholics rejected the Church’s own teachings.

But it’s the grit the Catholic Church models that strengthens you to have that same fortitude, commitment, and perseverance in doing God’s will in your business and personal life—no matter the cost.

If you contort natural law to fit your personal preferences in as intimate of an area as your fertility, you will be lacking on some level as to what it takes to make this mom-biz and life thing all come together.

The Catholic Church forms and supports her daughters to be the silent warriors they need to be to change the world from within and outside of their homes.

Catholic Mompreneurs Biz and Life Tip: Where are you showing grit in your business and personal life and how can you leverage that more for greater success and conformity to God’s will?

Copyright 2014 Christina M. Weber