Am I the only one noticing that almost every teenager who begins to cycle is put on on birth control? My daughter first pointed it out to me when she told me that all of her friends are taking birth control, even the ones who are not sexually active.
These young women are taking birth control almost like one would take a vitamin, as it is now being perceived as something that PROMOTES gynecological health. Young people believe the pill is good for them.
There are many reasons they believe that being on birth control is good for them. They believe that it helps them to regulate their cycles: it regulates their hormones so they do not have mood swings. They believe the pill helps them to have clear skin and will control acne breakouts. They believe that being on the pill will enable them to avoid painful menstrual cramps. They also believe that being on the Pill will help them have lighter periods so they don’t have to deal with such long or heavy cycles. In fact, some of the birth control methods can cause a young woman to stop having periods entirely.
So if we understand this correctly, young women believe that the Pill will regulate cycles, clear up their skin, help them be happier, and make their periods become almost non-existent. Who doesn’t want that when they are 15? Clear skin alone would have sold me. I also had horrific cramps that made me miss school so getting rid of pain? I would have been all in.
In fact I was all in. I was sold that tripe when I was only 14 years old. My dad was upset I missed school because of cramps and the doctor said the Pill would help regulate my cycles so I was not so crampy.
I believe this mentality of the Pill being good for you has now bypassed that it's just being something that can help you, like a medicine helps you. It is now being promoted like a vitamin. Vitamins are good for you. They are necessary for us to be healthy. Many of us do not get the daily vitamins we need so we take a man-made vitamin to help promote health and well-being. We take Vitamin C so we don’t get sick, calcium for strong bones etc.
Just like a vitamin, birth control is now being understood by the next generation of mothers to be a “good thing” that every young woman should be taking. It is no longer being seen as a medicine but as a vitamin that will help their reproductive organs develop the way they should, almost like our bodies have it wrong and this little pill helps our bodies to get it right.
We are facing an uphill battle. Our arguments that the Pill can cause breast cancer are falling on deaf ears. We are no longer talking to people who know that the Pill is a drug that has side effects.We are now talking to people who believe the Pill is actually good for them.
To make matters worse, the young women who ARE having sex are not usually using the pill but are implanting their bodies with devices, which are also being promoted as “good for them.” One example is ParaGard and it is being promoted to every college student that walks into the health center on campuses across the country. It is almost always FREE and is explained as a very small device that uses absolutely no hormones at all and can keep them pregnancy free for up to 12 years. When they are ready to start a family they can have it removed and get pregnant the very next month! (I got that information from the Planned Parenthood website.)
Free birth control, hormone free, and they don’t have to take anything and it’s all “natural”? We'd better wake up and begin dealing with what is happening on college campuses around the country or the infertility phenomenon is going to increase. I predict we are on the verge of a huge epidemic of infertility caused by these “all natural” and “good for you” birth control devices. If I am right, this will open the door to Frankenstein’s laboratory where we will see the creation of human life through means of which we never could have possibly imagined.
Copyright 2014, Christina King
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