Celeste Zepponi is a multi-talented lady.
Not only does she create beautiful art, rosaries, and note cards, she's also a musician. The fire of her creativity is apparent in her smile and in her work. What fires that creativity is her faith in God and her desire to spread the joy of knowing God has her in the palm of His hand. Her relationship with God is truly inspiring.
I can't wait for you to meet her:
Tell us about yourself in five words or less:
I like to create things.
What sparked your interest in your artistic medium?
Painting Angels, Creating Music, Rosary Making
I have always loved to paint. I enjoy experimenting and blending colors. The angels I most often paint are commissions created specifically for someone or in memory of someone. As I paint, I pray for that person asking God to bless them and their family. Angels turn our thoughts to Heaven. Every person has a Guardian Angel.
I enjoy singing. I write songs as a form of praise, and I record songs to share what God has put in my heart. I am working on several children’s songs that are being produced by David Smith, Icon Studio Productions. His children sing backup. These songs are about the Mass, All Saints Day, God’s promises when the raindrops fall, and about the many ways to be an artist!
Making rosaries is an art form that is very interesting to me because it allows me to physically hand a traditional prayer to another person. I highly recommend rosary-making. It is so much fun choosing the beads and assembling them as a prayer. It is very personal to hold the Crucifix, reflect on the Mysteries, recite the prayers, and study the tradition and beautiful promises associated with the Holy Rosary!
Why do you keep producing art? What's your inspiration to continue?
I continue producing art because I believe my work brings glory to God. My greatest inspiration comes from time spent in prayer. Creating is also a passion and a drive that is impossible to ignore.
What excites you about being a visual artist?
Visual and Performing Arts affect our hearts. That is exciting! That fact that Almighty God allows us, His creatures, to create, participate, and communicate a glimpse toward the things of God, that is very exciting!
What connection do you see between your artwork and your faith?
The artwork and music I create is my personal expression of faith. We are all called to live our faith fully entwined and completely inseparable from everything we do. Even, and maybe especially, when we sin God waits for us with open arms full of healing and forgiveness. It is my hope to present joy, peace, innocence, and encouragement through my work as a reminder that God loves us and desires us to enjoy the fruits of goodness and holiness.
What's the most rewarding aspect of creating your art?
It is very rewarding to realize my art takes on a life of its own. People will often tell me things like, “I received one of your angel note cards when I lost a family member and it really touched my heart,” “I listen to your music in my car and it fills me with joy!,” “I hung your Angel Painting right beside my bed so I can see it each night before I go to sleep.” I am very grateful for these words of encouragement. I receive them as an affirmation that my work is out there doing its job! That makes me very happy.
In your spare time, what are we likely to find you doing?
If I am not working in my studio, you will find me spending time with my family members or enjoying the company of close friends. When possible, I like to attend morning Mass, which I try to follow with a visit to the gym. I enjoy boat rides, long walks, kayaking and riding my bike because it makes me feel like a kid. I love just spending time at home with my husband. I like to organize things. I like reading spiritual books about the lives of the saints and teachings of the Christian faith. I don’t like to rush. I dream about simplicity and keep saying simple is how I want to live. It is usually not long however, until I make my way back to my studio to be with Jesus, to journal, reflect, and think about the next creative project.
You can find more of Celeste's work at her website www.CelesteZepponi.com and hear her sing, too!
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Copyright 2014 Katie O’Keefe