The Stations of the Cross are such a powerful mediation for drawing closer to Christ. For some reason, the ninth station touches my heart more deeply than all the others. Our parish recently held Friday night Family Stations and different families were asked to write a reflection on one of the Stations and wouldn’t you know it, our family was chosen to do the ninth station. Isn’t God amazing? This little task allowed me to really stop and think about why the ninth station is so powerful for me. Many of us pray the stations but putting your feelings down on paper as you pray and meditate is a true Lenten blessing. Here’s what the Holy Spirit spilled out through my keyboard.
The Ninth Station, Jesus Falls a Third Time. Under the paralyzing weight of the cross, Jesus fell not once or twice by three times…that’s almost more than I can wrap my mind around…how on earth did He muster the strength to rise to His holy and battered body yet a third time? I wonder if the words from Psalm 46 echoed in His mind…Be still and know that I am God right before he drug himself up off the gravel path. The power of this station is not just in the falling but in the getting up.
When we consider the struggles that God puts in our path which are always designed to strengthen fortify and sanctify our souls, how easily do we get up when the struggle seems to drop us to our knees? How long do we lay there wallowing in our own little misery over the comparatively tiny struggles we experience before we finally get up and try again to seek and do His will? Jesus not only labored under the weight of the cross but also under the burden of our sins. He stood up for us…he moved forward for us…he endured the unthinkable for us all out of love.
Jesus, the next time I ‘m tempted to gossip or complain or act selfishly with my money or time; Jesus the next time I consider being sassy or disobedient or dishonest, please remind me of the weight of those actions against your blessed shoulders. Jesus the next time I feel like you are asking too much of me, remind me of your courage…the courage you had to get up and bear a burden I simply cannot even imagine. Most importantly Jesus, help me remember it was Your Father who gave you the strength you needed and He is my Father too.
A Seed To Plant: Pick a station that touches your heart and write down the thoughts and feelings that come over you as you meditate on that event. Ask Jesus to reveal His power and His love as He teaches you a lesson from His journey to the cross.
Copyright 2014 Sheri Wohlfert
About the Author

Sheri Wohlfert
Sheri is a Catholic wife, mom, speaker and teacher. She uses her great sense of humor and her deep faith to help others discover the joy of being a child of God. Her roots are in Kansas but her home is in Michigan. The mission of her ministry is to encourage others to look at the simple ways we can all find God doing amazing things smack dab in the middle of the laundry, ball games, farm chores and the hundred other things we manage to cram into a day. Sheri also writes at