Today's Gospel: John 14: 6 - 14

Jesus tells the apostles: “I am the way and the truth and the life.” Even though the apostles were with Jesus daily, they still didn’t know what that meant. They still didn’t understand when He said: “I am in the Father and the Father is in me.” They didn’t know that seeing Jesus was seeing the Father and so, through Philip,  they asked Him to show them God.

Jesus gives them, and us, the answer to Philip’s request: “Lord, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us.”

Jesus is the Way. All our thoughts and actions, no matter how small and insignificant, must be centered on God.

Jesus is the Truth. He is the Word, the begotten One from the Father who reveals God to us.

Jesus is Life. Through the Sacraments and by God’s grace, we are sharers in His divine life.

He assures us that as long as we ask for anything that will lead us to eternal life, He will grant it.


Like the apostles, do you fail to recognize God even when He is right in front of you?


Lord, grant me the grace to understand and to truly believe that You are the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life.

Copyright 2014 Terry McDermott